Government Politics

Mark Levin: Biden Admin Wants Trump to ‘Die in Prison’

We Aren't Above Sweetening Things Up Sometimes...

The Grind:
During a recent episode of Life, Liberty & Levin on Fox News, Mark Levin expressed his strong disapproval of the Department of Justice’s prosecution of former President Donald Trump and the indictment against him. Levin criticized the tactics being used, comparing them to the playbook of Joseph Stalin, highlighting his concerns from a conservative perspective.

Levin focused on the lengthy 49-page document and the 37 charges against Trump, which he deemed as count stacking. He questioned why there was a need for 31 counts related to document retention when they could have been consolidated into fewer charges. Levin argued that this excessive approach reflects the intent to imprison Trump, who is currently a leading Republican nominee for the presidency. He further emphasized Trump’s age and the potential consequences of sentencing him for multiple counts, claiming it would result in his life imprisonment.

The Details:
Levin also pointed out the crucial omissions in the indictment, particularly the absence of allegations related to obstruction and false statements. He suggested that these omissions were due to the fact that the investigation itself was criminalized. According to Levin, had the investigation not been handled in such a manner, the issues surrounding obstruction and false statements would not have arisen. He criticized the indictment for its focus on document retention while lacking any mention of destroyed or altered documents. He argued that if such evidence existed, it would have been prominently featured.

Levin further criticized the prosecutor, Jack Smith, and his alleged aggressive and biased behavior. Levin claimed that Smith intentionally sought out a Democrat-appointed judge known for rejecting motions filed by Trump’s lawyers. He accused the prosecutor of cherry-picking and piecing together testimonies without including exculpatory evidence, resulting in a document that portrayed Trump as a severe threat to the country. Levin lamented the lack of allegations regarding destroyed or altered documents and asserted that false statements, conspiracy to obstruct, and retention of documents were all products of the criminalization of the case.

In conclusion, Levin expressed deep concern about the impact of this prosecution on the country. He claimed that the actions of the prosecutor, the Justice Department, Attorney General Garland, and President Biden have severely damaged the nation. Levin contended that they have destroyed something essential to every American, interfered with future elections, and suppressed the vote. He likened these actions to tactics from Joseph Stalin’s playbook, portraying them as unnatural and abnormal for America.

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